First Results SAME

From sensors to servers
DATA processing & communication from sensors to servers
• Frank SCHIRRMEISTER, Group Director, Cadence
"The Agony Choice - Just What Combination of Prototyping Engines Will Provide The Productivity, Predictability and Versatility"
• Steve TRIMBERGER,Fellow, Xilinx Research Labs
"Beyond Moore. Beyond Programmable Logic? "
Technical conferences
Technical conferences: 14 papers have been proposed. A program composed of 4 sessions and 9 presentations, selected for the quality of their content.
Papers and Slides are on line here
Start-Up Panel
Moderator: Paolo Pezzati, Cadence
Five start-ups have been selected to participate in the SAME Conference 2013, but only 3 were present. - Speakers:
- Jérome Rampon, Algodone
- Nicolas Siret, Synflow
- Alexandru Plesco, Zettice
These start-ups from the microelectronics sector have been chosen on the basis of the following criteria: their positioning within the economic value chain of SAME Conference participants; whether the innovation they propose is genuine and meets key needs in the market; whether the team has the credibility to pursue the company’s project successfully.
University Booth
The SAME 2013 Conference provides a shared University Booth for EDA software and hardware demonstrations which are scheduled on October 3. 6 demonstrations in 2 sessions were scheduled.
A prize was awarded for the best University Demo.
Posters and papers are on line here
Best Paper Award in recognition of the best presentation delivered during the Technical Conferences
Session SMART SENSING « Surface Acoustic Wave » - based sensors allowing wireless, reliable measurements in difficult environnements :
Gerhard Heider, SENSeOR, Sophia-Antipolis, France
The Best Paper Award is a work in hand blown glass by an artist from Biot (Nicolas Laty).

Most Promising Start-up Award in recognition of the best start-up.
Alexandru PLESCO
Lyon, France
The Most Promising Start-Up Award is a work in hand blown glass by an artist from Biot (Nicolas Laty)
Best Demo Ubooth Award in recognition of the best presentation for academic posters.
Demo 5
Design of Driver Assistance Systems using a Virtual Development Platform and a Car Simulator
Philipp Wehner, Ruhr-University Bochum - Germany
Sponsors are online here
• Partners
- Institutional Partners: The SAME 2013 Conference received financial backing from the Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, the Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes and the CASA (Communauté d’Agglomération Sophia Antipolis).
- Press Partners: ATCA World, E&T (European press partner), ElectroniqueS, Embedded Systems World, L’Embarqué, Telecom COTS World
- Partners: ARCIS, Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SCS Cluster, DATE 2014, IEEE CAS Society, Polytech’Nice Sophia and Telecom Valley have acted as partners of SAME Conference for several years.
- 10 based in the Alpes-Maritimes
- 1 based in PACA (Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region)
- 3 based in France but from outside the PACA region, (including 1 Start-up)
- 2 from abroad (including 1 start-up)

80 % Alpes-Maritimes
5 % PACA* region, excluding Alpes-Maritimes
* PACA : Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur Region
8 % Rest of the France
7 % Abroad

• Media covereage
7 representatives from the international press were present
- 4 from France : Azur TV, L’Embarqué, L’OPS, Sophia Metropole Mag
- 1 from UK : New Electronics
- 1 from Belgium : E2MOS Embedded World
- 1 from Italy : Fiera Milano Media
• Press Review SAME 2013 Conference
The Press Review SAME 2013 Conference is now on-line
The donation (9 936€) will participate to finance one or more on-site surgery missions in Mauritania, where operations will be performed on children suffering from malformations from birth or other complaints…
This mission will be handled by teams of specialists from the LENVAL hospital in Nice.
on: same-conference.org