First Results SAME
SAME 2012 Conference – RESULTS
SAME 2012 Conference - RESULTS
A specific topic: “Innovation in Microelectronics”
- One keynote speaker:
- Mike MULLER, CTO ARM – A 2020 View & Perspective
- One special Event: DRONE DEMONSTRATION
“Image processing for the autonomous navigation of micro drones”
- Jean-Luc Dugelay, Eurecom and Ludovic Apvrille, Telecom ParisTech
- Introduction to Sensor-based Control for Aerial Robot, Tarek Hamel et Robert Mahony,
- Implementation of Nonlinear Attitude Estimators for Aerial Robotic Vehicles, Minh-Duc Hua, Guillaume Ducard, Member, IEEE, Tarek Hamel, Member, IEEE, Robert Mahony, Member, IEEE and Konrad Rudin
- Technical conferences & Tutorials
1/ Technical conferences : 27 papers have been proposed. A program composed of 5 sessions and 16 presentations, selected for the quality of their content.
Papers and Slides are on line here.
2/ Tutorials : 5 topics selected.
The papers received and the presentations delivered during the Technical Conferences and Tutorials are available on the Conference Website.
Papers and Slides are on line here.
- Start-Up Panel
- Moderator: Stephan Klingler, INTEL
Six start-ups have been selected to participate in the SAME Conference 2012.
- Speakers:
- Erik Hochapfel, Adacsys
- Lioua Labrak, Lift Design Automation
- Philippe Metsu, ProximusDA
- Gary Dare, Space CoDesign
- Elliot Klein, XYVerify
- Alexandru Plesco, ZettIce
There are 2 start-up categories:
- Early stage start-up: Lift Design Automation (Ecully), Zettice (Lyon)
- Advanced start-up: Adacsys (Palaiseau), ProximusDA (Allemagne), Space CoDesign (Canada), XYVerify (USA)
These start-ups from the microelectronics sector have been chosen on the basis of the following criteria: their positioning within the economic value chain of SAME Conference participants ; whether the innovation they propose is genuine and meets key needs in the market ; whether the team has the credibility to pursue the company’s project successfully.
- University Booth
The SAME 2012 Conference provides a shared University Booth for EDA software and hardware demonstrations which are scheduled on October 3.
7 demonstrations in 2 sessions will be scheduled.
A prize was awarded for the best University Demo.
Posters and papers are on line here.
THE AWARDS at the SAME 2012 Conference
The Technical Committee will be making awards in the following categories:
Best Paper Award in recognition of the best presentation delivered during the Technical Conferences or Tutorials.
Session Multiprocessing HW/SW
ARM big LITTLE System Architecture: Saving Power through Heterogeneous Multiprocessing and Context Migration
John Goodacre, ARM
The Best Paper Award is a work in hand blown glass by an artist from Biot (Nicolas Laty).
• Most Promising Start-up Award in recognition of the best start-up.
Erik Hochapfel
Palaiseau – France
The Most Promising Start-Up Award is a work in hand blown glass by an artist from Biot (Nicolas Laty).
• Best Demo Ubooth Award in recognition of the best presentation for academic posters.
Demo 5
A Full Integrated 13,56MHz RFID Transceiver
Yannick Perciot, Université de Provence IM2NP
- Sponsors: 7 companies contributed to the organisation of the SAME 2012 Conference
Sponsors are online here.
- Partners
- Institutional Partners : The SAME 2012 Conference received financial backing from the Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, the Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes and the CASA (Communauté d’Agglomération Sophia Antipolis).
- Press Partners : E&T (European press partner), ElectroniqueS, EDA Confidential and WebTimeMedias.
- Partners : Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SCS Cluster, ARCSIS, IEEE CAS Society and Telecom Valley have acted as partners of SAME Conference for several years.
Partners are on line here.
THE EXHIBITORS : 20 Exhibitors
- 8 based in the Alpes-Maritimes
- 1 from the PACA region (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur)
- 3 based in France but from outside the PACA region, (including 2 Start-ups)
- 8 from abroad (including 1 start-up)
Geographic breakdown of exhibitors at the SAME 2012 Conference
The VISITORS : 605Vistors
80% Alpes-Maritimes
3% PACA* region, excluding Alpes-Maritimes
* PACA : Provence-Alpes- Côte d’Azur Region
10% Rest of the France
7% Abroad
Geographic breakdown of the visitors at the SAME Conference 2012 :
THE MEDIAS COVERAGE : 12 representatives
I – Media covereage: 12 representatives from the international press were present:
8 from France : ElectroniqueS, Les Echos, LMS News, PulsEdit, Sophia Mag, SemiWiki, WebTimeMedias, FG Medias
2 from UK : New Electronics, Tech Design Forum
1 from USA : EDA confidential.
1 from Europe : EETimes Europe.
II – Press Review SAME 2012 Conference :
The Press Review SAME 2012 Conference is now on-line.
SAME 2012 Conference : Partner of the charity association “Rencontres Africaines”
The donation (9 333€) will participate to finance one or more on-site surgery missions in Mauritania, where operations will be performed on children suffering from malformations from birth or other complaints…
This mission will be handled by teams of specialists from the LENVAL hospital in Nice