Instructions for Authors
To enable your presentation to be fully documented in this year’s proceedings we advise the following instructions :
- All manuscripts (abstract, final paper, final tutorial, final UBooth) must be in English.
Abstract, Papers, Tutorials, UBooth, should start with a frame (from 5,5 to 7 cm) including :
- Session title / Tutorial title : Times, 12, bold and capital letters.
- Paper title : Times, 12, bold.
- Author(s) and Company : Times, 12, bold.
- City: Times, 12, bold.
General size :
- Size A4.
- In two columns format.
- In fully-justified text.
- One line spacing.
- Top margin: 2,5 cm.
- Lower margin: 2,5 cm.
- Left and right margins: 2,5 cm.
Font and font sizes for main text :
- Title: Times 14, bold.
- Title level 1: Times 12, bold.
- Title level 2: Times 12, bold and italics.
- Title level 3: Times 12.
- Body of text: Times 10 in one line spacing.
- Abstract :
Please use the template on-line to write your abstract, in a 10-point Times New Roman font. - Extended Abstract of the topic :
Please use the template on-line to write your extended abstract, about 1 000 words in a 10-point Times New Roman font. - Table of contents of the paper :
The detailed of the table of contents is required. - About the authors :
A Short Speakers’ bio and photo are required. -
Final Paper format :
- Each final paper should be no longer than 6 pages and no less than 3 pages.
- Each tutorial should be no longer than 6 pages and no less than 2 pages.
- Each final paper University Booth should be no longer than 3 pages and no less than 2 pages.
Please use the template on-line to write your paper, in a 10-point Times New Roman font.
- References :
The references used for the paper: List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper -
Deadlines :
- to submit abstract: April 15, 2011.
- to submit final full paper / tutorial version: June 20, 2011.
After this date, the organizing committee cannot ensure that your paper will be included in the USB key. - to submit final slides version: July 20, 2011.
After this date, the organizing committee cannot ensure that your paper / tutorial will be included in the USB key.
Each paper / tutorial / University Booth will be received by e-mail in PDF format or DOC format to :
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