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SAFA Workshop

October 6th and 7th, 2010

SAFA Annual Workshop on Formal Techniques (SAFA’2010)

Detailed program

October, 6th, 2010

  • 13:30 - Opening of the workshop

  • 13:40 - Invited talk
    Quantifying Robustness by Symbolic Model Checking
    Emmanuelle Encrenaz,
    Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris VI (LIP6),
    Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)

  • 14:30 - Session 1: Language theory
    A Locally Nameless Theory of Objects
    L. Henrio, F. Kammüller, B. Lutz and H. Sudhof
    CNRS – I3S – INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, Technische Universität Berlin

  • 15:00 - Coffee break

  • 15:30 - Session 2: Models and Properties
    PSL vs. CCSL
    Régis Gascon, Julien DeAntoni, Frédéric Mallet
    EPI Aoste, I3S/INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France
    Model checking applied to mobile agent system
    Cyril Dumont, Fabrice Mourlin
    LACL, Paris 12 University
    Experiments with distributed Model-Checking of group-based applications
    Ludovic Henrio & Éric Madelaine
    INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CNRS - I3S - Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis
    Construction of Models Needs Idempotent Transformations
    Clementine Nemo, Mireille Blay-Fornarino
    Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, Laboratoire I3S (CNRS-UNSA)

  • 17:30 - End of first day

October, 7th, 2010

  • 9:30 - Session 3: Security
    Software Un-security Exploitation Evaluation
    Christèle Faure
    Safe River
    A Formal Security Model for the Verification of Automotive Embedded Applications
    Gabriel Pedroza, Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet
    System-on-Chip Laboratory (LabSoC), Institut Telecom, Telecom ParisTech, LTCI CNRS

  • 10:30 - Coffee break

  • 11:00 - Session 4: Embedded systems
    Logical Time @ Work : The RT-Simex project
    Julien DeAntoni, Frédéric Mallet, Charles André, Frédéric Thomas
    EPI Aoste, INRIA Méditerranée & UMR CNRS I3S Obeo, Model Driven Company
    Communication Refinement for SOC Design
    Hocine Mokrani, Rabéa Ameur-Boulifa, Sophie Coudert, Emmanuelle Encrenaz-Tiphene
    System-on-Chip Laboratory (LabSoC), GET/Telecom-Paris, Laboratoire d’informatique de Paris VI

  • 12:00 - Closure of the workshop


Speakers :
  • Emmanuelle ENCRENAZ
    Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris VI
    Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
    "Quantifying Robustness by Symbolic Model Checking"

    Selected papers:
    • A Locally Nameless Theory of Objects
    • PSL vs. CCSL
    • Model checking applied to mobile agent system
    • Logical Time @ Work : The RT-Simex project
    • Experiments with distributed Model-Checking of group-based applications
    • Construction of Models Needs Idempotent Transformations
    • Software Un-security Exploitation Evaluation
    • Communication Refinement for SOC Design
    • A Formal Security Model for the Verification of Automotive Embedded Applications

Committee :
  • Ludovic Apvrille

  • Christèle Faure

  • Eric Madelaine

  • Frédéric Mallet

  • Tamara Rezk



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